Earlier today I did Tony Horton's One on One series: P90 Road Warrior. I must confess that I hadn't done a workout in quite some time. What made me get off my butt and do it was some inspiration from a Beachbody corporate event last I attended last night. There were people there who had survived cancer and lost over 150lbs. I realized that though we may not want to exercise, it will ultimately save us from impending crises in our life. By exercising I reduce my risk of injury, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I know I'm only 24, but I imagine that establishing a healthy habit like exercise only become more difficult as one ages. (Some of you older people can let me know)
I've seen myself go from a 160lb 6-pack wielding endurance machine to a 175lb love handler over the past few months. Even my students have observed some of my food choices and have rightfully accused me of "relapsing". I decided that maintaining a level of fitness is easier than attaining a certain level of fitness. What I mean is that I have not yet given back all the gains I got from doing P90X and INSANITY last year. When I started last June I was around 190lbs and couldn't even run 2 miles to save my life. If I start exercising now and get serious about a program I can be in even better shape than I was at my prime.
Exercising today did not feel good. I was sweaty after the third set, wanted to quit after the fifth set, and started feeling a little dizzy after the tenth. I was watching the DVD on mute 'cause I was listening to something else, but every time Tony started a new set I hoped it was the last. But anyone who has done any of his workouts knows that it only gets more grueling as you go. It wasn't pretty, but I finished and felt better because of it. Not just because I worked out, but because I exercised my will. By doing something you do not want to do, you build self-discipline that flows over into every area of life. Besides the obvious physical benefits, this exercise in will power is how I improve the most through rigorous workouts. My advice is: just start the workout. Even if you attempt an hour long workout and can only get through half of it, you are doing way more than millions of fat indolent people nationwide! That's why a common Beachbody slogan is "keep pushing play" and not "keep doing pushups even after you're done and the credits are rolling". They know that if you determine to at least START you dramatically increase your chances of finishing.
~ Andy
The hardest part is making the commitment to exercise regularly. Exercising and eating healthy is necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. I love boxing and so attend Biscayne Boxing & Fitness Club. They offer a variety of classes and I love their friendly environment. I highly recommend you to try out one of their classes.